Talk about sexual color change! Children's sex education
For the teachers with relatively conservative culture and growth environment, talking about sex with children is often a difficult topic to open, with the child into puberty, the physical and mental organs gradually mature, for sexual characteristics, gender relations and other sexual knowledge, there is bound to be considerable curiosity and confusion, but Taiwan children's knowledge of sex education is sufficient? Does the teacher play an important role in the child's sex education? The Children's League today (18th) released the 2016 Taiwan Children's Sex Education Knowledge Survey, found that children's sex education there are four major warning signs: 1. Parents do not want to touch, up to a quarter (26%) of families have never talked to children about sex, and nearly 70% (67.6%) of parents have never discussed sexual issues with their children.
2. Teachers deliberately avoid talking, nearly 30% (29.6%) of children said they had touched the teacher deliberately jumped off certain sexual knowledge issues do not talk. 3. Ultra-forward sexual knowledge, parents, teachers avoid talking, teaching materials curriculum is not arranged, but 54% and 70.2% of fifth and sixth grade students said they have understood the effective method of contraception, can not help but worry about whether children's 'unsophisticated' sexual knowledge is correct. 4. Emotional issues need to be strengthened, do not think that sex education is only "18 ban", emotional education is the most lacking part of children, the survey found that more than 30% of children do not know how to express emotional related issues, including how to talk to each other about their feelings, or deal with feelings of love loss and so on.
"Children of the Internet generation are more diverse and fast to acquire knowledge, especially on topics such as sex, which are easy to think about, and it is easier for children to be eager to understand and touch," said Chen Liru, CEO of the Children's Welfare Alliance. And when children can easily access sexual knowledge messages from informal channels, it is very important for adults to play the role of monitoring and filtering, if parents can use a positive and open attitude to discuss sexual knowledge with their children, school teachers can provide correct knowledge and cognition, not only early to construct the child's correct understanding of sex, but also in the process of discussion, to clarify whether the child has a misunderstanding of specific sexual knowledge. But according to the survey data, whether it's school or parents, it's still a 'conservative' time to discuss sex with their children.
What do you say about sex? Mom and Dad are 冏 big!
A quarter (26%) of households do not talk about sex, and nearly 70% of parents see sexual activity as a taboo subject.
Sex is one of the most important human subjects, but most parents don't know how to talk about sex education. In the survey, we found that a quarter (26%) of households had never talked to their children about sex, with nearly 70% (67.6%) never discussing sexual activity, and more than 50% (56.3%) never discussing emotional issues. The survey also found that Taiwanese parents are more inclined to discuss sexual knowledge content with girls (2.4>2.2), may be that "girls are easy to lose" concept, parents for their daughter's sense of physical protection is stronger than their son, will spend more time with their daughter to discuss sexual knowledge issues, hope that their daughter has enough knowledge to protect themselves. In addition, the survey also found that as parents' educational level increases, the frequency of parents discussing sexual knowledge with their children increases, but it is worth noting that: As children age, the frequency of parents and children's discussion of sexual knowledge decreases, presumably because the child gradually enters puberty, the possibility of obtaining sexual knowledge from other sources increases, so it is not necessary to choose to discuss with adults at home. Therefore, Chen Liru CEO reminded: "If parents often intentionally or unintentionally avoid sensitive sexual-related issues, then children will naturally regard it as a taboo topic in the family, when the child encountered problems or questions, of course, will not want to talk to parents." Children's correct sexual knowledge depends on parents from an early age, in the child's adolescence, parents play a role of supervision and filtering is more important, do not allow the child to explore in doubt, but take the initiative to discuss with the child, through discussion to guide the child's wrong sexual knowledge.
Sex knowledge courses are too sensitive, school teachers jump to teach?!
Nearly 30% (29.6%) of teachers avoid specific sexual knowledge transfer, the higher the grade more serious!
According to the nine-year consistent health and physical education curriculum outlined by the Ministry of Education of China, primary school children in China will begin to have contact knowledge in the fifth and sixth grades, which includes topics such as the past, self-physical exploration, gender concepts and adolescent sexuality. But in the end, the school's sex education curriculum can meet the child's thirst for knowledge? According to the survey, nearly 30% (29.6%) of children responded that school teachers would deliberately avoid talking about certain sensitive knowledge textbooks in class, a situation that increases with the improvement of the child's grade, with eighth graders experiencing this experience as high as 36.9%, an increase of 12.1 percentage points over the fifth grade. Chen Liru CEO further stressed that the content of the national gender-neutral knowledge curriculum has entered the sexual behavior, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and other more in-depth sexual knowledge, may make teachers feel difficult to speak out in teaching, but this may let the child's right to be taught to learn seriously violated. When children can not get from parents, school teachers correct, adequate sexual knowledge issues, in fact, is silently to adult pornography, media reports, long-term impact of the difficult to ensure that the child's physical and mental impact will not have a negative impact.
Super-forward sexual knowledge, contraceptive knowledge "no master self-knowledge"
The school did not teach, fifth and sixth grade students (54%, 70.2%) contraceptive knowledge to explore their own!
Another warning sign that advances in textbook progress is that sexual knowledge does exist in modern children. The actual verification of the fifth and sixth grade "health and physical education" curriculum materials, which did not mention any related knowledge of contraception, but even 54% and 70.2% of fifth and sixth grade students respectively said that they had known about effective methods of contraception, and further investigation to understand the source of children's contraceptive knowledge, found that the main source is the school teacher (44.7%) or adults (44.7%) 25%), but 14 to 18 percent of children said their contraceptive knowledge was learned from classmates/good friends (14.2%), the Internet (17.3%), and the news media (18.4%), leading to fears that children would make irretrievable mistakes if they were not filtered by adults or teachers.
Children's emotional IQ is the most lacking, horror lovers into hidden worries
About 30% of 10% still said they did not understand "dealing with break-up feelings" and "expressing emotions"
According to the survey, more than 90% of children consider themselves aware of "adolescent body changes( 94.8%)" and "multiple sexual orientations( 92.1%)", more than 80% of children know "how to avoid exposure to 18 forbidden messages( 84%)" and more than 70% understand "In the face of dealing with sexual impulses (74.8%), "Sexual effective contraception (73.9%), the last persons in the table were "dealing with break-up feelings (71.7%)" and "expressing emotions ( 70.7%). From the data above, it can be found that compared to the specific knowledge of physiology, Children's emotional IQ is the most lacking, horror lovers into hidden worries
About 30% of 10% still said they did not understand "dealing with break-up feelings" and "expressing emotions"
According to the survey, more than 90% of children consider themselves aware of "adolescent body changes( 94.8%)" and "multiple sexual orientations( 92.1%)", more than 80% of children know "how to avoid exposure to 18 forbidden messages( 84%)" and more than 70% understand "In the face of dealing with sexual impulses (74.8%), "Sexual effective contraception (73.9%), the last persons in the table were "dealing with break-up feelings (71.7%)" and "expressing emotions ( 70.7%). From the data above, it can be found that abstract emotional problems seem to overwhelm children more than specific knowledge of physiology. Chen Liru CEO stressed: express emotions and the ability to deal with lost emotions are need time to develop, if children can learn from an early age how to properly express emotions to others, but also practice how to relieve, digest the negative emotions in life, children in the future to face emotional problems, naturally can avoid because they do not know how to self-inflicted hurtful behavior.
To construct the correct sexual knowledge of children, the key lies in parents guiding enlightenment!
More than 20% of children do not think that "sex education is a health matter";
The study also measured whether children in grades 5 through 8 had the correct perception of sexual knowledge, and found that most children actually had positive cognitive attitudes of sexual knowledge. Further exploration of the survey data, as the frequency of discussion of sexual knowledge content between children and adults in the family increased, children also scored higher in sexual knowledge cognition (34.9>33.6). Chen Liru CEO therefore suggested that parents should not shy away from talking, seize the opportunity to find topics, through the news issues in an easy way to talk, children are usually less defensive to join the topic, the most important thing is that parents have to answer questions, according to the child's suitable age step by step to give the concept. Similarly, the Children's League also has "Parents CALL IN Correctional Line 0800-532-880", if parents on the issue of sex education card off, or do not know how to open, parents are welcome to call for advice and discussion.
At the press conference, the Children's Welfare League invited three college students representatives and Chen Menghua psychologists to talk about "sex" through talks, college students said that in primary and secondary schools, sex education content usually focuses only on the description of changes in sexual characteristics of men and women, less mention of sexual behavior or gender emotional expression and other content. Zizi mentioned that in primary school classes already have class pairs, that age of girls for gender feelings will be curious, but the school does not teach, parents will only persuade "young, do not fall in love", so that they can only learn from novels or idol dramas and learn about the relationship between men and women and gender interaction. Male student Zongxian said that adolescent boys are full of curiosity about sex, not only will check the internet information, friends will often discuss, when the country has heard "girls let boys massage the chest, chest will become larger" said, when the next class really have female students to test the law, slightly older only to find that it is just a rumor. Children pass on sex knowledge and ideas to each other, sophomore Yan Qi said she often heard people around the idea that "men and women must have sex" or "to have a relationship to determine that two people are not suitable for communication" and other ideas, she said she could not accept such a statement.
For how to talk to children about sex, Chen Menghua psychologist suggested that teachers and parents, through materials such as drawing books to open up related topics, and then step by step discussion, or can play table games with the family and other relaxed family gathering atmosphere, from the child's recent situation to understand his confusion, and then further share their knowledge or expectations. Chen stressed that parents and teachers should be prepared to open-minded, in order to let children willing to take the initiative and comfortable to talk to you about "sex" to say "love", if you really do not know what to do, you can also consult professional advice and demonstration.
Children's League appeal: schools do not avoid talking;
Healthy talk about sex with your child, love yourself!
Sex education requires a close dialogue between teachers and teachers, not just rigid knowledge of the writing, in order to provide timely assistance when the child needs it. Adults must not self-deprecate with the idea that 'long nature will understand', instead of confronting sexual things that explain the fact that these actually exist in life and are important in the child's development. In fact, according to a 2009 report by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), comprehensive sex education allows young people to explore their attitudes and values, train their decision-making skills and other life skills, and make informed choices about their sex lives. In the Nordic region, Sweden's successful experience in sex education is also worthy of other countries to take advantage of. It can be seen that positive sex education can not only teach children how to explore the concept of self-body, the construction of gender cognition, but also early to construct children's correct knowledge of sex, so that they know how to love their bodies, more know how to respect others.
Sex education is neither hidden nor mysterious, but related to the physical and mental development and health of children and children important issues, for this, the Children's League for the school, parents and the government three parties put forward the following appeals: 1. The school does not shy away from talking about: the transfer of sexual knowledge is not an unspeakable secret, if we expect children in childhood can build a set of correct values, teachers positive and open talk attitude will be the key factor, do not let adults shy mentality deprive children of "sexual" teaching rights. 2. Family discussion: sexual knowledge should be inculcated from an early age, each age has every age can talk about, understand the topic.
In fact, parents do not need much rich knowledge, but in the parents to be frank and positive, do not let the child feel that sex is negative, can not be talked about, if you can talk with the child, in fact, by parent-child discussion, parents can avoid a lot of unnecessary worries, but also early to construct the child's positive, healthy mentality about sex. 3. The Government should assist: The relevant government units should be the navigators of sex education, and the Government should assist some parents and teachers in their choice to face the current situation of sex education with a negative attitude. If teachers do not know how to talk to their children about sex, the Government can ensure that children are not deprived of their right to be taught by providing teacher sex education training courses or by selecting and employing more suitable sex education teachers. As regards the family sex education component, the Government can also provide a wide range of counselling channels and promote the importance of family sex education, thereby enhancing the willingness and skills of parents to talk to their children about sex.
The survey was conducted in mid-April to mid-May 2016 using a physical questionnaire and was conducted in the fifth and sixth grades of primary school, respectively, and among children in grades 7 and 8. In this study, a stratified random sampling method was used, of which 51.4% were boys and 48.6% were girls, 52.6% were primary school students and 47.4% were middle school students, and a total of 1479 valid samples were recovered.
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